Servant opportunities at Grace

Thank-you for your prayerful consideration on serving here at Grace.

It takes everyone to make our services happen. If you'd like serve but haven't in a long time or ever, please sign up and let Linda (Email) know so we can make sure you have support in place to help you be successful. 

  • Offering Counting - please ensure you have taken a training session or refresher in the past 6months. Sessions will be announced/in the bulletin 
  • Ushering - anyone can usher. We need a minimum of 5 people per service. Ushers are our greeters before service, and other various small tasks
  • Communion Set-up - a team of two get the Communion settings ready on the 2 & 4 Sundays of the month
  • Communion Assistant - a Confirmed member to assist Pastor Mark with serving Holy Communion on the 2 & 4 Sunday's of the month.
  • Lector - do you enjoy sharing the Word of God with others? Each week we ask for someone to read the first and second Bible Lesson's for that day.
  • Projection/Video Tech's - a team of two is required to continue our Online/Live Streaming Ministry. You must have been previously trained in order to sign up for this position
  • Coffee Set-up - a team of one or two people to take on the Coffee Responsibilities - making sure the coffee is made, supplies set out and clean up after a short fellowship time. 

Each month, has it's own link to the sign up page. We have decided to utilize the same platform as we once did in 2002/2021; Sign-up Genius. Just click on the month, to the right of these instructions, to be taken directly to that page. 

February 2025 Servant Schedule

March 2025 Servant Schedule

April 2025 Servant Schedule

May 2025 Servant Schedule

June 2025 Servant Schedule
