Servant opportunities at Grace

Thank-you for your prayerful consideration on serving here at Grace.

It takes everyone to make our services happen. If you'd like serve but haven't in a long time or ever, please sign up and let Linda (Email) know so we can make sure you have support in place to help you be successful. 

  • Offering Counting - please ensure you have taken a training session or refresher in the past 6months. Sessions will be announced/in the bulletin 
  • Ushering - anyone can usher. We need a minimum of 5 people per service. Ushers are our greeters before service, and other various small tasks
  • Communion Set-up - a team of two get the Communion settings ready on the 2 & 4 Sundays of the month
  • Communion Assistant - a Confirmed member to assist Pastor Mark with serving Holy Communion on the 2 & 4 Sunday's of the month.
  • Lector - do you enjoy sharing the Word of God with others? Each week we ask for someone to read the first and second Bible Lesson's for that day.
  • Projection/Video Tech's - a team of two is required to continue our Online/Live Streaming Ministry. You must have been previously trained in order to sign up for this position
  • Coffee Set-up - a team of one or two people to take on the Coffee Responsibilities - making sure the coffee is made, supplies set out and clean up after a short fellowship time. 

Each month, has it's own link to the sign up page. We have decided to utilize the same platform as we once did in 2002/2021; Sign-up Genius. Just click on the month, to the right of these instructions, to be taken directly to that page. 
