Discovery Preschool Monday-Friday. The upstairs area of the church is for their exclusive use, during the hours of 8:30am-12:00pm. Monday – Friday. Thank-you for your help and consideration as we build this relationship.
Offering Plates are no longer being passed through the pews. Offerings can be put in the plate at the back of the Sanctuary, each week or you are encouraged to continue to give through your current method (i.e. e-transfers to or through on our website)
PRAYER CHAIN – May we pray with you? Send your prayer requests – both joys and concerns – to our Prayer Chain Coordinator by clicking HERE . If you’d like to join our prayer chain, please send your request to the same email address.
EMAIL SCAMS – Just a reminder that Pastor Mark, the office or any other member of Grace Lutheran will not email or call you asking for money or any banking information. If you receive any such request, either delete it or report it to the Canada Anti-Fraud Centre 1-888-495-8501.
SCENT-FREE ENVIORNMENT – please refrain from wearing colognes and perfumes to church. Please be considerate of those whose health is affects.
CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS – are you not getting the emails about church announcements, activities and other info? Would you like to? Please email the church office to let Shara know to add you to our email list.
MEMBER OFFERING ENVELOPES - the updated member offering envelopes are now available from the church office or Financial Secretary, Janet. If you do not know your envelope number, please contact the church office.
TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY - our weekly afternoon Bible Study with Pastor Mark has resumed at 1pm, upstairs in Room 7. Bring your Bible and bring a friend. The Bible Study will be posted to our YouTube channel later in the day. Bible Study resumes Tuesday, January 14that 1pm
GOOD FOOD BOX PROGRAM is offered here at GLC. What is it? GFB is a program under the Community Kitchen Program of Calgary, whereby anyone can purchase boxes of fresh fruit & veggies at an affordable price. Orders are placed through Grace Church office based on the order schedule & boxes arrive for pick up the following week. Prices are $30/small box, $35/medium box, $40/Large(family) box. Contact Shara for more details 403-249-8562
CREATIVE COMFORT SATURDAYS – join us for crafting & fellowship upstairs in Room #7 on February 22nd & March 15th from 1-4pm. Bring your own craft to work on (crocheting/knitting, card-making, scrapbooking, painting, drawing, etc.) If you have any questions, please speak with Michelle Ruf or the church office.
FEBRUARY 23RD - MASTER’S SINGERS - will be here to sing during our 11am church service. We will be setting up a Free-will offering to collect a donation for them as a Thank-you for sharing their musical gifts with us.
MARCH 2ND - AGM (VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY) - immediately following the 11am Worship Service.
2024 TAX RECEIPTS - will be mailed out the week of February 17th.
OPERTAION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX CAMPAIGN - We will be collecting HYGIENE items for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for the months of March & April. Items needed: bars of soap, facecloths, toothbrushes, dental floss, hairbrushes/combs, band aids, small packages of tissues, and hair ties/clips. Please note: TOOTHPASTE CAN NO LONGER BE INCLUDED IN SHOEBOXES. There is a collection bin in located in the Narthex.
EMAIL ADDRESSES AND MAILING ADDRESSES - please ensure the church office has the most recent/correct contact information. 2024 Tax receipts will be issued in the new year, without that information we will not be able to issue a tax receipt.